Latest Past Events

Patient involvement drop-in – can you help?

Virtual Event Online

Can you help? We are looking for people with experience of night-time dialysis to review our 'starter packs'. These packs contain items such as earplugs and blindfolds to aid sleep. They form an important part of the study intervention and your opinions will help us to improve the packs as the study progresses. We have…

Patient involvement drop-in

We are holding a voluntary 30 minute PPIE drop-in on Wednesday 1st December at 12:30 - 13:00. We would love to see you there and to get your thoughts on our first PPIE newsletter and our Facebook page. Please email [email protected] for the Zoom details if you'd like to join!

Patient Involvement Drop-In

Would you be interested in sharing your experience of dialysis line securement with other patients and NHS doctors/innovators working to improve comfort, safety and experience of dialysis at home an/or overnight? If so, join us on Wednesday 13th October 2021 at 13:30 via Zoom for a discussion with Dr Ashton Barnett-Vanes, Founder & CEO, Javelo…